Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Letter to Expecting Mommas

Dear momma to be,
Your life is about to change. Your kitchen won't be as clean as you once knew it to be. Your car won't look the same ever again. Your personal time will be ever so fleeting. Things will be replaced with new things. Things you never thought about will come up. Don't fight this stuff. It is going to happen and moments when you thought you were your strongest before will look like a day at the beach.
You're going to fall in love with someone you don't even know. When you're baby is crowning and the midwife or nurse asks you if you wanna feel your baby's head; do it! It isn't gross or weird. It is a beautiful thing. You are doing what your body was made to do. Remember that feeling. All the emotions you're feeling at that very second; capture them in your heart. 'Cause when your baby is older, and you have been up for hours trying to soothe him to sleep, that memory is what will keep you going.
When you're hopelessly trying to get everything done on your to do list and it just isn't happening; STOP. Give your time to something a little more meaningful. Play with your baby. Laugh at life. Chances are life is laughing at you.
When you are woke up at 3 A.M. by a hungry infant; love it. 'Cause One day you won't be able to sleep because your teenager is out on his first date and you're making yourself silly wondering how everything is going and when he will be home.
When you want to hurry up and get your baby to bed so you can watch TV or read your favorite magazine; don't. Hold him and twirl his curls around your fingers cause one day he won't let you.
When you're trying to climb that preverbial ladder at work or in life in general; stop. Think about where your priorities are.
When you don't want to take him over to see his mamaw and papaw who have been dying to see him and he's begging to go; take him. 'Cause one day his mamaw and papaw won't be around.
When his daddy has to work late cause he's busy making a way for his familly; thank him and wait up for him.
When your excuse not to do something with your family is "I'm to busy"; shut up. What is more important than family? 'Cause while "you're to busy" your baby is busy growing.
Look into your baby's eyes and know that God saw you fit to be that little treasure's momma. You have a responsibility and nothing, NOTHING matters more than that.
Life is a gift and taking it for granted is the closest thing to death than death itself.
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1 comment:

  1. Well said, Kacie-Momma. :) These growing-up years are the best years ever. Challenging. Sometimes hurrying to get them grown--on their own. Other times stealing every moment to soak up their love. Soooooooo good.
