Friday, March 21, 2014

Change Your Outlook. Change Your Life.

I feel like lately I've been reading and stumbling on things that are telling me to choose joy. When we let our circumstances define our mood and outcome we are letting the bad win and control us. It's hard but why let negativity infect us? Train your mind to see the good things. Positivity breeds positivity. Negativity breeds negativity. Life is so short. Filled with moments of beginnings and moments of endings. Making them count is the only choice we have. Seasons change just as our lives roll with the crashing tide. Sometimes calm sometimes violent but always beautiful. Never forget the moments of impact that change the tide in your life. It’s never too late to say I love you or I’ve missed you. Words are a reflection of our feelings so say what you mean and mean what you say. Regrets are silly and a waste of time. Fix what you can and leave what you can’t. Send people good thoughts, prayers and wishes when communication is something that can’t be done. And always remember that each moment gone becomes a memory. So make it a good one, the best you can, cause life is short it’s here and then it’s gone.
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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A little Q&A. Getcha some!

Howdy all! I hope everyone is doing fantastic. I know my blog has taken a back burner lately. Why? you ask. Because I've been so busy with my etsy shop. There are some really great and really exciting things that are happening. I will be going to a few local craft shows and will also be doing a few local wholesale gigs as well.

What's new? Well thank you for asking. There is this awesome new thing called A R T S Y  C R U S H and it is hosted by Paige over at artsy anthropology. Basically, this is a monthly subscription for a package that includes some really amazing items from small shops as well as some business cards and coupon codes! So it will save you some money and you get some really fun and cute items. It is super new. March is month #3 but everyone really seems to be loving it.

How do you sign up? I'm glad you asked. You can follow her on Instagram @artsyanthropology or send her an email at She also has a facebook HERE and just tell her you're interested. She is super fun and will be so excited you asked. Tell her I sent you! P.S. her Instagram has photos from February's package so you get a little idea of what's goin down.

Why am I telling you about this? I'm glad you asked! (is it weird I keep doing that?) The Colt and Filly (my shop, in case you haven't heard.) will be included in this month's package! Yay! I'm so excited. You should be excited. We're all excited! If you want to you can email me at and I can help you too. Lots of options. Lots of connecting to be made. I hope everyone has a fabulous day, week, life. (Can you tell I'm excited?)

Also, I want to introduce you lovelies to my new fabulous logo from LaLuna Designs 
 Isn't it just beautiful? Angie, does a really great job and I recommend her for all your graphic designing needs! She is really trendy and super great to work with.

 Here is my new business cards too. I'm still on the fence on if I like them or not. I would love to hear what you guys think. Please let me know.
Have a great day
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