So since Wyatt is nearing the five month old mark I wanted to give some
feedback to some new mom’s out there who may be in need of advice. Here are some
every day items that I highly recommend.

1. Medela micro steam sterilizing bags
These bags are wonderful. You throw up to two washed and rinsed bottles in
them with two ounces of water pop in microwave for a minute and a half and boom
sterilized. You can also use them for pacifiers breast pump bottles and shields
even the tubing that comes with a breast pump. Whats even better you get twenty,
that’s 20, uses out of one bag. Ah-mazing!

2. Avent bottles
These little things have not caused my little man any problems what so ever.
They’re easy to clean and do not, I repeat DO NOT leak! I have tried a few other
brands and have ended up with more milk on me and my baby than in his little

3. Pampers diapers
From sizes NB-3 you can get these in the swaddle type. They’re extra soft,
extra absorbent and have a wetness indicator down the front AND back. The
non-swaddle type are just as good for when your baby is bigger (ah-hem, my giant
baby weighs 20 lbs already). These diapers do not leak and stay put.

4. Cloth diapers
They are good for more than diapering. They’re super soft for wiping baby’s
face and are great for throwing over your shoulder while burping. They also come
in different colors and are super affordable. And once you start feeding cereal
and other foods they will save you from dirtying up all your kitchen towels and
wash cloths.

5. Lansinoh disposable nursing pads/Lansinoh Lanolin
I have been breast feeding up until about two weeks ago (which is another
blog coming soon). I’ve tried other brands and they just do not compare. The
motto “you get what you pay for” applies here. Bonus: They normally come with
coupons and sample breast milk storage bags in the box! The Lanolin is great for
soreness from breastfeeding. It also works for easier clean up on baby’s tush
while they’re getting rid of the meconium.

6. Aden & Anais muslin swaddle blankets
Normally I don’t get into fads but this is a major exception. These blankets
were a blessing when we were living in Hawaii and also through the summer here
in Ohio. They were just enough to keep Wyatt wrapped up but not make him sweat.

7. Breast milk storage bags
I used Lansinoh brand but I had a few samples of The First Years brand and I
loved them but I was unable to find them in stores in my area. These bags are a
necessity for breast feeding mommas. (I was exclusively pumping and couldn’t
have survived without them.)
Aside from all of the other major things needed for baby. These items should
definitely be on your list. I hope this helps any mommy or mommy to be.
8. Sleep sheep
Cloud b has a great line of noise machines! Wyatt sleeps like a little lamb (haha) with this little gadget. He also has the giraffe which makes different sounds than the sheep. These things are awesome. Just select a noise for your little one to fall asleep to. Using the same sound every time you put sprout down for sleep will help with sleep training too.